Sankar Sitaraman
Welcome! I have been working at the Math Department of Howard University, Washington D.C., since finishing grad school at Caltech in 1994. My research is in algebraic number theory and I love teaching. Our office has a nice view of the McMillan reservoir. I enjoy life in the D.C. area with my beautiful wife Nicole though at times I do get nostalgic about California.

I also teach meditation to students and write a blog.

(behind Locke Hall)
Phone: (202) 806-6832

Math Dept, Howard University
Washington, DC 20059

Email: sankarx "at"

Students looking for course information please click on "Math" on the right side of this page
Montreal, July 2017.
Math Pictures
Hiking Meditation
Writings Youtube channel
Volunteering Long Walks On Leafy Streets (Blog)